Length Scales

Laura Deming mentions how she thinks about biology with different mental models, to understand it numerically, in a fast way.

One grounding point in biology is a smple question: how big are all the different words we are talking about? In her “do your scales!” thought experiment video, Laura walks though mentally shrinking/growing objects by factors of 10, starting with objects we can intuitively understand, and then jumping down into a smaller biological scale.1 2

Length ($10^x$ m)Item
$-2$6-sided die
$-3 \text{, mm}$Bead
$-5$Skin cell
$-6 \text{, Micron}$E. coli.
$-8$30 amino-acid peptide
$-9 \text{, nm}$3 amino-acids
$-10 \text {, Angstrom}$Atom

Note that E. Coli. would fit into a skin cell. Mitochondria may originate from prokaryotes forming a symbiotic bond with Eukaryotes - visualizing the length scale makes this clear.

  1. E. O. Wilson also has an interesting visualization of these length scale differences, in the iPad book Guided Tour of the Living Cell↩︎

  2. See also this visualization ↩︎